State associations of nonprofits are asking nonprofits that have government contracts and grants for help in understanding any related issues you may be experiencing. Please forward this to the appropriate person in your organization to complete and submit for your organization. We encourage you to share this with colleague organizations that may also have government contracts or grants, so we can gather the most complete picture possible.

In addition to answering the 6 core questions, please share your stories and specific examples of how any of these experiences have affected your organization or those you serve. All stories will be kept anonymous unless we independently get your advance permission to use your identity when describing your experience as an example in any discussions or documents produced regarding these issues. Please complete this survey as soon as possible, but no later than Monday December 9.

Thanks for your help.

Question Title

1. In 2013, has your organization received funds through either government contracts or grants (local, state, federal)?
(check all that apply)

For the remaining questions, if you have multiple contracts and/or grants, please respond affirmatively if the question is applicable to any of your government funding streams. Also, please answer regarding your experiences in 2013.

Question Title

2. In 2013, did your government contracts/grants pay the full cost of the contracted services (including associated administration and overhead)?

Question Title

3. Optional: please provide example(s) for the previous question.

Question Title

4. In 2013, did your organization receive payments for government contracts/grants that were late (beyond the time agreed to under the contract/grant)?

Question Title

5. Optional: please provide example(s) for the previous question.

Question Title

6. In 2013, have governments unilaterally made unwanted changes to your contracts/grants after you signed the agreement and started work?

Question Title

7. Optional: please provide example(s) for the previous question.

Question Title

8. In 2013, was the process for applying for government contracts or grants complex/time consuming?

Question Title

9. Optional: please provide example(s) for the previous question.

Question Title

10. In 2013, was the process for reporting financial and program outcomes complex/time consuming?

Question Title

11. Optional: please provide example(s) for the previous question.

Question Title

12. Please share any other stories and specific examples of how any of the above experiences have affected your organization or those you serve. All stories will be kept anonymous unless we independently get your advance permission to use your identity in describing your experience as an example in any discussions or documents produced regarding these issues.

Question Title

13. Location of main operations:

Question Title

14. Zip Code of main operations:

Question Title

15. How would you classify your nonprofit's primary services? (check one only)

Question Title

16. Budget Size:

Question Title

17. Optional: (for follow up purposes only)

Question Title

18. Would you be willing to speak with media about contracting/grant issues?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.