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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your surname?

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* 3. Could you tell us how old you are please?

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* 4. Are you associated with a particular group/organisation or in part time or full time education? Please tell us about it here?

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* 5. Please answer the following questions using the A to E rating scale.
A - Strongly agree B - Agree C - Not Sure D - Disagree E - Strongly Disagree

  A B C D E
I am confident using digital technology?
I am regulary use digital technology?
I am confident sharing my knowledge of digital technology with others?
I am confident talking to children about digital technology?
I am confident using the internet?
I know how to find and save images on the internet?
I am confident using a mobile tablet such as an iPad?
I can use a mobile tablet such as an iPad to make short films?
I can use a mobile tablet such as an iPad to make digital books?
I can use a mobile tablet such as an iPad to make a collage with either words or pictures?
I am confident in uploading my finished work to a secure cloud storage system or storage device?

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* 6. Please tell us about any training you would like to receive around digital technology?

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* 7. Please tell us the types of things you use digital technology for most by ticking any of the points below?