This survey will take 10 minutes or less to complete. Your response will be kept strictly confidential. All responses will be compiled into a summary to provide direction to the Landscape Canada Committee regarding the potential development of a peer group.

The purpose of this survey is to:
a) identify what inspires people to join, ie: why did you join and what do you expect to get out of it.
b) develop a framework for a landscape peer group ie: structure, entry requirements, group parameters.
c) identify the strength components that need to be core to the new peer group ie: what do you see as benefits/rewards.
Please provide your responses to the following questions.

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1. What inspired you to join a peer group?

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2. Identify the key strength of your group.

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3. Indicate how your group is structured.

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4. How often do you meet each year?

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5. What are the operational systems for the group with respect to:

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6. The primary benefits to you personally through the group interaction are:

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7. The primary benefits to your business through the group interaction are:

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8. Provide one learning outcome that has changed you and/or the way you do business.

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9. If you could change anything in how your peer group works, what would you change and why?

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10. Would you be interested in joining the Landscape Peer Group?

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11. If you answered "Yes" above and would like to receive a follow up on the development of a peer group, kindly provide your contact information below.