
TST BOCES is in the process of rebranding as part of our effort to rebuild our web presence and focus future initiatives. An important aspect of this effort is to develop a tag line that communicates the essential qualities of our business and the stakeholders we serve.

Your reaction to our newly proposed tag line is essential to ensure that we have hit our communication target. With this in mind, please share your response to the following questions as you consider your initial response to our new tag line below:

TST BOCES - Learn, Lead, Support, Serve…Together

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your relationship to TST BOCES

Question Title

* 2. TST BOCES - Learn, Lead, Support, Serve…Together

What are the strengths of this tag line?

Question Title

* 3. TST BOCES - Learn, Lead, Support, Serve…Together

What are the limitations of this tag line?