1. Introduction

In June 2010, the Centre for Social Impact (based at UNSW) and Arts Queensland released a Discussion Paper proposing the establishment of a Foundation for the Artist – the first of its kind in Australia – to bring together public, private and corporate funding for artists and the creation of new work. Such a Foundation would complement existing funding sources, and explore new forms of support for creative practice and innovation. The Discussion Paper and the background research informing this document can be accessed from the Centre for Social Impact's website.

The Centre has now received funding from the Australian Government matched by State and Territory Governments and independent sources to fund a Feasibility Study into the concept. A team of arts, finance and legal consultants will work on the project over the next four months managed through the Positive Solutions office in Brisbane. In particular the study will be examining:

  • The demonstrated need for and contribution of the proposed Foundation within current arts support and philanthropic frameworks and possible new financing mechanisms for the sector
  • Appropriate governance and administrative arrangements for delivering support to artists including through the establishment of a Foundation
  • A sustainable funding and business model for a new Foundation

We would welcome a response from you to this proposal and have prepared the following questions to assist you in framing such a response. Please indicate in the corresponding question below if you would like this to be confidential to the research team or if you are happy for your response to be forwarded to the commissioning agencies as part of the final report.

For further information please contact the Managing Consultant for the Feasibility Study, Cathy Hunt of Positive Solutions, by emailing cathy.hunt@positive-solutions.com.au. The official website for the study is www.newmodelsnewmoney.com.au which will be regularly updated with progress reports, sector feedback and resources.

Please note that this survey can be completed over several sessions, saving the responses you have completed via the following method:
  1. Anytime you hit the 'Next' button on the bottom of the page you will save your responses for that page.
  2. Closing the window or hitting 'Exit this Survey' does NOT save responses on the current page. Only the 'Next' button saves your responses.
  3. Once you have closed the window or hit 'Exit this Survey', you can return to the survey at any time by using the link that was sent to you originally via email. Your saved responses will be present in the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Please complete the following:

Question Title

* 2. Do you want your responses to remain confidential to the research team?