Welcome! I'm excited to possibly have you on our team! 

For a description of the PT Aide Job description and how important your role will be in our mission click below


When you are ready take your time and carefully fill out the form below.

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* 1. Please state your full name, email, and phone so I can contact you

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* 2. I believe we all have a unique gift to contribute to humanity. Can you tell me about your gift?

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* 3. How would you describe your personality?

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* 4. We like to provide you with training. What area do you feel you need training with to better serve you?

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* 5. List any courses or job experience that you think would help you excel in a physical therapy aide position

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* 6. If you could name your ideal schedule, what would that look like? (i.e. Monday = 9am-4pm)

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* 7. Can you list a few (3-5) of your core values? (i.e. honesty, friendship, family, hard working, et...)

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* 8. What your goals in the next year? And What is your goal in 5 years?

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* 9. If I asked you to go door to door and sell our services, how would you feel and how would you answer?

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* 10. Please describe your ideal perfect boss / manager and how you would respond to his or her style.

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* 11. Describe a situation where you had to manage someone (either a staff member or family member) to stop an inappropriate behavior and how you handled it.

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* 12. What do you think are the top three most important qualities needed AND top three objectives to be accomplished to be extremely successful in the position you are applying for?

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* 13. Do you like to "wing" things and solve problems as they arise or do you like to plan out every detail?

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* 14. Tell me in detail about a time or a situation where you felt really smart

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* 15. Tell me about a nonfiction book you read and why you loved it