Events Feedback

Thank you for take the time to give us feedback on our programs & events.  Our team customizes programs to serve the Membership in the best way possible.  Your thoughts will be reviewed by Council Staff so that we can continue to deliver quality programming and improve our future offerings. 

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* 1. Please take a moment to tell us more about yourself.

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* 2. Please provide any suggestions for future programs or events, or any suggestions on previous events.

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* 3. May we contact you about your responses to gain more detailed insight (if-needed?)

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* 4. Is your company currently a member of the Pittsburgh Technology Council?

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* 5. Have you attended a Pittsburgh Technology Council event in the past? If "yes," please give a brief listing of which programs.

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* 6. Have you or your business positively benefited from the connections you've made at PTC programs and events? If so, please elaborate below.

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* 7. Have you had a great experience with one or more of our team members before, during or after the event/s you have attended? If so, please feel free to elaborate. 

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* 8. If there's anything else you think we should know about our programs or events, or have any other general comments, please list them below.