1. Default Section

100% of survey complete.
You have received an invitation to complete this Request for Information because you have made an inquiry to GCI for survey, mapping, soil investigation or related services.

In order for GCI to better serve your project and it's survey and mapping requirements, please complete this RFI as best you can.

Although all questions require an answer, not all parts of all questions may be relevant to your project, and do not need to be completed.

Please answer with as much detail as you can.

Thank you.
Geomatic Consulting International
New Zealand - Hong Kong - Vietnam - Cambodia

Question Title

* 1. Site/Project Description: Please provide some basic details about your Project/Site.

Question Title

* 2. Site Information: Please provide us with some details about your site. If you don't know, please state Unknown.

Question Title

* 3. Scope of Work: Please check ALL the survey services or products you require under this inquiry.

Question Title

* 4. Please answer this question only if you require Engineering or Construction Survey services

  Essential Include as an option Not required
Full-time, on-site services
Part-time or on-call services
Long term (4 months +)
Supervised by GCI
Supervised by you (or others)
Control network establishment, monitoring
Setting out for construction
Checking sub-contractors setting out
As-built surveys
Managing the project survey operations

Question Title

* 5. Logistics: Which of the following logistical items should we INCLUDE in the proposal?

  Yes, GCI must include this item No, this item shall be provided for GCI at no cost to GCI n/a. Not required or does not apply
Transport to/from site (air ticket, vehicle, etc)
Transport on-site (vehicle, boat, etc)
Accommodation (Hotel, etc)
Site Preparation (soil/Geotech investigation, drilling rigs, etc)
Messing (laundry, etc)
Materials (pegs, stakes, paint, etc)
Consummables (printer paper, ink, etc)

Question Title

* 6. Deliverables: What is required in the way of output/deliverables?

Question Title

* 7. Schedule: So we can correctly plan and prioritise your requirements, please advise as best you can your level of urgency for the following items?

  Urgent (Immediate start) Urgent (quickest possible finish) Within next 1 month Within next 3 months Within next 6-12 months
Proposal delivery
Contract signing
Field Completion
Draft Submissions
Final Submissions

Question Title

* 8. Priority: Please rank your priorities for the survey works

  Utmost Importance Fairly important Moderately Important Not so important Not important at all
Lowest Price
English Speaking Field Staff
Shortest Time
Highest Technical Quality

Question Title

* 9. Your Details:
Please provide us with some details of yourself, your company and the contracting entity.