You have arrived at the October 2012 Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) Adult Needs Assessment Survey.

We invite you to complete this Survey if you are 18 years of age or older and have mental health and/or substance abuse needs.

Your opinion and experience are important and will help us improve services across the State of Tennessee.

Only adults should complete this Survey.

The survey consists of 24 questions and completion of the Survey takes about 15 minutes.

While we encourage you to complete the entire Survey, you may stop at any time. The answers you have given up to that point will be included in our information analysis. Results from the analysis (of this Survey) will be given to the Regional and State Planning and Policy Councils. The Councils will use this information to make recommendations for changes to the services that are available in each community and to ensure that needs are met as much as possible.

The following is important information you will need to know before you begin:

1. You may complete the Survey for yourself if you have mental health or substance abuse needs.
2. Your participation is voluntary.
3. No one will be able to connect your answers to you.

The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services is very interested in your opinion.

Thank you for your participation.