Thank you for participating in this survey!

Living on the shoreline or next to the streams that feed into Pleasant Lake is one of the things that makes New Hampshire a wonderful place to live and play. However, it’s not just lake or stream front properties that contribute to the health of Pleasant Lake, but all properties that drain into the lake, otherwise known as its watershed. Actions on the land dictate the health of the streams and lake that we love. Did you know that runoff from fertilized lawns, landscaped yards, septic systems, pet and wildlife waste can contribute excess nutrients to surface waters? These nutrients accelerate algal and cyanobacteria blooms and fuel the increased growth of aquatic plants, which promotes declines in water clarity and dissolved oxygen which can impact aquatic species and cold water fisheries in particular.

You are being asked to participate in this septic system survey because your property is within 250 feet of Pleasant Lake and/or 100 feet of streams feeding into the lake. This survey is a part of the Pleasant Lake Watershed Restoration Plan that is currently being developed by the Pleasant Lake Preservation Association (find us at:, in conjunction with the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC), and FB Environmental. We will use this information to help us develop an accurate model of the watershed and to evaluate the potential cumulative impacts that septic systems may have on lake water quality.

There are three ways that you may share this information with us: • complete and mail back this form, • complete the survey online at or • talk with us in person when we are in your neighborhood between August 8th and the 23rd.