Dear Valued Beta Tester:

Your feedback is the most valuable tool we have.

The following brief survey should only take you a few moments to fill out, but will help us immensely in creating a better group of products that are able to meet your ever changing needs.

The use of surveys such as this, are intended to allow SideTracked Series to make rapid and significant improvements and additions to our product line with an emphasis on the benefits to you, our users. We appreciate your time and hope to reward you with an improved experience 

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. What is your age?

Question Title

* 3. Are you an existing SideTracked cache owner?

Question Title

* 4. What caches did you use the HTML generator on?
(Please give GC Numbers, one per line)

Question Title

* 5. How knowledgeable are you at HTML coding?

Question Title

* 6. How clear was the information presented?

Question Title

* 7. Overall, did the HTML Generator appear easy to use?

Question Title

* 8. What do you like most about our new HTML Generator?

Question Title

* 9. What changes do you think would most improve our HTML Generator?

Question Title

* 10. How likely would you be to use the HTML Generator in the future