
Thank you for electing to participate in this survey from the PAC Consortium. Your responses will be used to guide PAC Consortium activities over the next 18 months to ensure members' needs are met.

All members of the PAC Consortium have been invited to complete this survey. The survey should take you less than 30 minutes to complete and participation is voluntary. Your responses are not anonymous but will not be shared publicly. We ask that you be open and honest when answering. Your answers, participation, or non-participation will have no negative impact on future participation in PAC Consortium activities. You may exit the survey at any point.

The specific objectives of this survey are to identify:

  1. A profile of PAC Consortium members, PAC activities, and member engagement
  2. Ways the PAC Consortium can support members to implement/strengthen their work
  3. Resources and publications of interest to PAC Consortium members
  4. Technical areas that need further exploration
  5. Existing or potential PAC Champions at ministries of health

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Christopher Lindahl (