Ready for a little challenge?

The regular practice of Gratitude is rapidly earning a world wide reputation as being beneficial for managing life's ups and downs, improving mood and turning challenges into possibilities. These outcomes are very useful for UNSW students.

So give it a go for 21days and see what benefits you notice.

Practicing gratitude only needs an openness of mind and a little of your time each day to put your attitude of gratitude into action.

Be a UNSW Gratitude Star and complete the UNSW 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge.

Facebook Post your gratitude for small and big things for 21 days by beginning your post with #UNSW21daysofgrattitude.

To register your participation in the UNSW 21 Day Gratitude Challenge, please complete the quick questions below and click next.

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* 1. Have you practiced using an attitude of gratitude before?

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* 2. Do you believe that taking action in gratitude can help improve mood?

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* 3. Do you believe that practicing gratitude can help improve your well-being?

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* 4. Are you ready to give the practice of gratitude a go and take the challenge for 21 days?