
Parks and City Services (PACS) is currently reviewing its Volunteer Policy which relates to the activities of volunteers working in ACT parks, reserves and open spaces. As a volunteer or someone involved in working with volunteers, we would like your input and feedback in reviewing PACS' Volunteer Policy. We would also like to take this opportunity to get your feedback on our services and the support offered to volunteers.

The survey is anonymous and your feedback is greatly appreciated.

This survey closes on Sunday 21 July 2013.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes you:

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* 2. Before this survey, were you aware that PACS has a Volunteer Policy?

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* 3. What are the key issues that should be addressed in the PACS Volunteer Policy?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the priority of the following issues:

  High priority Medium priority Low priority Not a priority
A safe working environment
Adequate insurance coverage
Working relationship with PACS
Communication between volunteer groups
Agreed common conservation goals
Support of the local community
Consistent application of the volunteer policy
Working with other local groups such as schools, scouts, guides, etc.
PACS land management activities impacting on volunteer efforts
Volunteer education and interpretation activities

Question Title

* 5. When undertaking volunteer activities in parks and reserves, how satisfied are you with the following:

  Very satisfied Satisfied Partially satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Level of direction given for volunteer group activities
Involvement of PACS staff in activities when requested
Tools and equipment supplied for volunteer activities
Access to land facilitated by PACS staff
Explanation provided about PACS land management
Volunteer and PACS activities are coordinated with common goals
Recognition provided for volunteers
Communication with PACS

Question Title

* 6. When undertaking volunteer activities have you ever been concerned for your safety or the safety of other volunteers?

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* 7. How well does PACS support the recruitment and training of new volunteers?

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* 8. What is your preference for training opportunities?

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* 9. Do you see value in PACS running a volunteer induction program for new volunteers?

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* 10. What is PACS doing well to support volunteers?

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* 11. How can PACS better meet your needs as a volunteer?

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* 12. Do you have any other feedback about the review of the Volunteer Policy or the volunteer program in general?

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* 13. Are you satisfied with this opportunity to provide feedback on PACS Volunteer Policy?