1. Owen Williams Pensions Referendum for TSSA members

Following the 2010 tri annual valuation the company have now put forward their proposals on how to manage the scheme going forward. Whilst the Owen Williams section of the Railway Pensions scheme is still in surplus, this has now reduced and the company has advised that they must look to ensure that the future costs of the scheme are met by increasing contribution rates.

Thank you for reading the recent TSSA circular that has been sent out and for taking the time to tell us your views.

Your opinions matter to us as you are TSSA and through answering these questions we can advise your employer what you think of their proposals.

Please be aware that whatever happens the employer still has a legal duty to carry out a further 60 day consultation excercise with active members of the pension scheme.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your TSSA membership number or Name, so that we can ensure you are a TSSA member

(This information will be held confidentially and no individuals details will be shared with the employer, if the information is invalid then your vote will not be counted)