Question Title

* 1. What are the 3 most important things that OMPA does for you?

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* 2. What areas can OMPA improve in? Choose as many as you like.

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* 3. What are your top sources of industry news? Choose up to 3.

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* 4. What OMPA information do you find the most valuable? Choose one.

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* 5. What OMPA events have you found the most valuable? Choose as many as you like.

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* 6. What are the most important factor when deciding whether to attend an event? Choose up to 3.

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* 7. How satisfied are you with the quality and value of OMPA events?

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* 8. How satisfied are you with the overall professionalism of the OMPA Board of Directors?

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* 9. How satisfied are you with the overall professionalism of the OMPA staff?

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* 10. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of OMPA?

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* 11. How satisfied are you with the way OMPA manages its business?

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* 12. In general, OMPA as a trade association is:

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* 13. In general, OMPA as a trade association is:

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* 14. My OMPA member status

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* 15. If you are not currently an OMPA member, please let us know why:

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* 16. My OMPA Chapter is:

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* 17. My job:

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* 18. Do you have any specific ideas about events you’d like to see OMPA host?

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* 19. What additional benefits would you like to see OMPA offer?

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* 20. Do you have any other suggestions to improve OMPA?

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* 21. Name (optional):

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* 22. Phone Number (only required if you want to be entered into the drawing for a fabulous prize)