Part A

This survey explores the use of e-health resources in the delivery of the Optimal Health Program (OHP).  There are 25 questions and it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you very much for your time!

Question Title

* 1. Did you attend the OHP e-health forum in March 2015?

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* 2. Please select all categories that pertain to you:

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* 3. Briefly describe your involvement or interest in OHP

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* 4. Length of time involved with OHP

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* 5. Please select your age range:

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* 6. Gender

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* 7. Highest level of education attained

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* 8. Do you have access to a computer?

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* 9. When learning new information, what format helps you learn best? (Choose one response only)

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* 10. How would you prefer to learn the next set of skills in OHP? (Choose one or more relevant responses)