NHS North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is currently reviewing the way it commissions services for people with musculoskeletal problems or conditions. These are problems that affect muscles, bones and joints, including back pain. Some musculoskeletal conditions may cause on-going, chronic pain.

The CCG would like to hear your views on current services for people with muscle, bone and joint problems, including back pain. This includes if you feel there are any gaps in current services and what is most important to you, your family or friends in managing current or past conditions.

Feedback received from this survey will be used to help the CCG to improve and plan services. The main themes from the feedback will be published on the CCG website.

Who should respond to the survey?

There are questions for everyone:
- people who may not have used these services but would like to have their say,
- people who have experience of using local health services for muscle, bone or joint problems, or back pain.

Questions and help

If you have any questions, or need help to complete the questionnaire, please call 0191 374 2795 or email lynnecarter@nhs.net. Taking part in this survey is voluntary. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence.