YOU can help us make these the BEST LIBRARIES EVER, by answering a few questions

25% of survey complete.
Henrico County’s New Area Libraries will be unique, state-of-the-art, facilities that provide access to the broadest range of information, learning opportunities and cultural experiences.

What are some of the things you will be able to DO at these new libraries?

All ages can FIND INFORMATION in books, audio/visual material, magazines, ACCESS DIGITAL INFORMATION, BORROW material and TAKE CLASSES.
Students of all ages can learn to IMPROVE SKILLS with technology, PRACTICE a language, or LISTEN to a speaker.
Kids can listen to stories, READ, LEARN and have fun.
Teens will MEET each other, DO HOMEWORK, COLLABORATE and talk.
Students of all ages will be able to study alone or in groups.
Everyone can BE STUDIOUS or BE CREATIVE or just RELAX in a comfortable chair with a good book, a magazine or their computer.

You can also submit your own concepts, drawings, photos, suggestions, poetry, etc. about these future libraries at:
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Tweet us @henricolibrary

Visit for the details about how to submit your images, etc.

Here are the questions:

Question Title

4. Which library(s) did you visit most often?

Question Title

5. Which is your local Library?

Question Title

6. What kinds of spaces would you like to see MORE of in a new Area Library? (pick up to 6)