Introduction to the Questionnaire (Ver. 3.9.12)

Congratulations on your CTAS Area 4 grant award! The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) and EKM&P Associates will serve as your training and technical assistance (T/TA) providers during your project period. To initiate our working relationship, we ask that you complete this questionnaire. Your responses will help us to coordinate T/TA activities, obtain information as well as to develop information that will assist you in reaching your project goals and objectives.

You are welcome to contact us at any time with T/TA requests. Send requests via e-mail to or call Kelly at (707) 579-5507. You may also make your T/TA requests online at:

Question Title

* 1. What is your contact information?

Question Title

* 2. Please provide contact information for the Tribal Council or Governing Body.

Question Title

* 3. We may be developing a publication that provides case studies of the development of projects under the CTAS Area 4 Grant Program. A case study would provide other tribes with information on how projects develop, change or are modified throughout the project period. This publication will provide information on successes, challenges and lessons learned by the CTAS Area 4 grantees as well as the T/TA providers.

Would you be interested in participating as a site for a case study?

Question Title

* 4. Please describe the population that your program or facility will be designed for (Check all that apply):

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* 5. Please describe the purpose of your project (Check all that apply):

Question Title

* 6. Please provide a brief statement of what you want to do with your CTAS Area 4 funding.

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* 7. Please indicate which areas of training and technical assistance that you are most interested in obtaining to support your planning, renovation or construction project:

  Not Interested Somewhat Interested Very Interested N/A
Planner Selection
Correctional Alternatives Assessment
Juvenile detention facility assessment
Adult detention facility assessment
Regional Needs Assessment
Master Planning
Architect Selection
Facility Design
Facility Programming
Transition to a New Facility
Construction Contracts
Construction Budgeting

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following Training and Technical Assistance Methodologies are most accessible to you?

  Least Productive Acceptable Most Productive N/A
Telephone Calls
Onsite Training
Powerpoint Presentations
Live Webinar
Videos of Presentations
Print Materials
Programs/Examples Implemented by Other Tribes
Tours of Existing Tribal Facilities
Peer to Peer Networking