About Us and this Survey

14% of survey complete.

Dear Participant:

We are Native students at The Evergreen State College. As part of our coursework in the Tribal Governance MPA (Masters in Public Administration) Program we will be conducting a research project titled “Food Sovereignty Assessment in Native American Communities”. The purpose of our project is to gather information about the current level of involvement of Native communities in the Food Sovereignty movement and produce a research paper and presentation about our findings. Our goal is to benefit Native communities as they may inspire others, bring awareness, build relationships and business, etc. so we may also share this information throughout Indian Country such as with: Other Tribes, Native communities, ATNI, NCAI, etc.

We are asking you participate in a brief 13 question survey, expected to take 5-7 minutes, regarding Food Sovereignty in your community. All information you choose to share is voluntary and any risks to you are minimal as your identity will be anonymous. You may withdraw your participation at any point or skip any question you do not wish to answer.

We apologize as, even though it goes against our culture, there will be no compensation of any kind available for your participation. At your request we will provide you with a copy of the final draft of our research paper.

If you have any questions about this project or your participation in it you can call our team leader, Kendra Aguilar, at (425) 213-6921 or aguken30@evergreen.edu.
The person to contact if you experience problems as a result of your participation in this project is:
John McLain, Academic Grants Manager (360) 867-6045
The Evergreen State College, Library 3821, Olympia, WA 98505

Participating in the survey is your implied consent to be part of this research process. Thank you for your participation and assistance!

Kendra Aguilar, April McGill and Adam Osbekoff