Parent Survey

The following survey is designed to gain information from parents on the fall parent/teacher conference schedule and conference experience. The information will provide insight into the development of the CFSD calendar and the parent/teacher conferences.

You may provide a comment or suggestion based on your experience after each questions or at the end of the survey. We appreciate you taking the time to respond to the questions and any additional comments you would like to add.

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* 1. Please indicate the name of your child's classroom teacher.

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* 2. Please indicate the day you attended conferences for your child.

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* 3. How satisfied were you with the parent/conference sign-up process?

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* 4. How satisfied were you with the options available for parent/conference times?

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* 5. Do you have suggestions for additional options for parent/teacher conferences?

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* 6. Did the conference meet your expectations?

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* 7. What additional comments or suggestions do you have for improving the parent/teacher conference or conference schedule?