Florida State Guardianship Association, Inc is in the midst of a 3 year review process of Florida Statutes Chapter 744 Guardianship. The review committee has divided the Chapter into segments of individual statutes. Each segment will undergo a 3 month review process. The second meeting is to develop working positions on various issues. The second meeting produces various positions and on occasion more than one proposal on the same issue. These positions and proposed language are then put in a survey that is sent out to you (FSGA members and Elder law attorneys) to get feedback on specific language suggestions. There are links to draft or outlined white papers on each proposed change to give some of the reasoning behind the proposed language changes. Please take the time to read these linked outlines for greater understanding.

Each question has a free form comment section so you can tell us anything you think is important.

If you have any desired statutory change - please feel free to send a draft white paper on the issue arguing your position.

Lance McKinney