Bentley-Armadale Medicare Local After Hours Medical Care: Stakeholder Survey

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As part of the Australian Government’s commitment to improving access to after-hours primary care services, Medicare Locals around Australia have been charged with examining after hours primary care in their area, identifying gaps and barriers to accessing after hours health services and developing approaches to improve after hours care.

For the purposes of the National Health Reform, after-hours primary care is defined as:
• “accessible and effective care for people whose health condition is urgent and cannot wait for treatment until regular services are next available”. Primary care relates to patient care in the community (not to care that is provided when people are admitted to hospital) and
• “before 08:00hrs and after 18:00hrs on weekdays, before 08:00hrs and after 12:00hrs on Saturday, and all of Sunday and public holidays”.
• after hours can also be divided into sociable (i.e. between 18:00hrs and 23:00hrs) and unsociable hours (23:00hrs and 07:00hrs) with an understanding that it can often be considered harder to access or provide after-hours primary care during unsocial hours.

The Survey
Bentley-Armadale Medicare Local (BAML), which includes seven local councils, is starting to explore how after hours primary care is provided and accessed in the area. The purpose of this survey is to start consulting with stakeholders concerning what after-hours primary care is currently available locally; how and by whom, it is used; and what gaps are currently in the system that need attention. The survey will also help identify issues faced in providing after-hours services and to obtain feedback on appropriate strategies to improve access to after-hours care.
Information supplied by you will be reported in terms of group findings, rather than individual results. However the name of your organisation will appear in the report concerning the outcomes of this consultation process to the government.

Contact Details
If you would like any further information or if you would like to contribute to the ongoing discussions and development of our After-hours program, please contact
Shelagh Dawson
Manager Population Health
Ph: (08) 9458 0505

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Total Number and Type of Health Professionals (for example: No. 3, Type: GPs or clinical psychologists)

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* 2. Do any of the following barriers prevent your practice from expanding its services?

Question Title

* 3. How many patients do you see per week on average?