
The North Texas Food Bank is in the process of implementing the next phase of our Agency Tier program. Based on the experience and learnings from past versions of our Tier program, we have made adjustments to improve the evaluation process to more accurately reflect agency capacity building.

The purpose of the Agency Tier Program is to recognize the capacity levels of each Partner Agency. And with phase 2 we will be expanding our tier levels from 3 to 5 levels.

Tier Program Goals
1. Support the best practices of our Partner Agencies
2. Assist in building the capacity of our Partner Agencies
3. Create a year-over-year comparison of agency growth
4. Utilize the tier program as one determinate for Partner Agency grants

An integral part of our evaluation process is agency input. Your response is critical in determining your tier status and establishes the basis of how we might best help you to achieve capacity goals going forward. To ensure the smooth implementation of the Agency Tier program, please kindly answer our survey by Friday March 7.

As an incentive we are pleased to offer a $50 handling fee credit to all agencies who complete the survey by the deadline date.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

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* 1. Please check your agency ID and name. If you don't see your agency name, check "My agency is not listed" and write in below. (Please be careful- we sometimes get duplicate responses.)

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* 2. Please select your agency's county location

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* 4. How frequently can a client receive food from your pantry?

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* 5. Does your agency offer a grocery market shopping experience (client choice) with some limitations?

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* 6. Is your pantry considered an Emergency Food Pantry?

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* 7. If yes, what's the number of emergency annual visits a client can make?

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* 8. For each of the following client services indicate if your agency has: 1) an on-site service; 2) a referral process; or 3) does not offer service neither on site or by referral?

  On Site Referral process Does not offer, neither on site or by referral
Nutrition Education
Financial Literacy
Employment/Job Training
Financial Assistance
Mental Health Assistance
Other Services

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* 9. If you don't offer an onsite service, what is your referral process, if any?

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* 10. How many AU courses have your staff/volunteers completed in the last year?

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* 11. Is your agency a faith based organization?

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* 12. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your agency?