1. AAVSO 100th Annual Meeting Survey

Please help us plan for the Centennial Annual Meeting by completing this 10-question survey. All responses are anonymous.

We hope to see you at the meeting in October!

Question Title

* 1. The AAVSO 100th Annual Meeting will be held October 5-8, 2011 in metro-Boston, Massachusetts. We expect that the registration fee for this meeting will be around $100 for members and $160 for nonmembers. How likely are you to attend this meeting:

  highly likely somewhat likely somewhat unlikely highly unlikely
With one or more guests?

Question Title

* 2. If you attend the meeting, will you be traveling from outside the US?

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* 3. How likely are you to stay at the meeting venue hotel? (Woburn Hilton, $99 per night plus tax)

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* 4. If you plan to stay at the Woburn Hilton, how many days would you add onto your hotel stay for sightseeing?

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* 5. If you plan to stay at the Woburn Hilton, how interested would you be in finding a roommate to cut costs?

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* 6. We plan to hold a morning/early afternoon 100th Birthday Party and Dedication at AAVSO Headquarters on Thursday, October 6th. A guest lecture, lunch/birthday cake, and transportation will be included. How likely are you to attend this function if the cost is:

  highly likely somewhat likely somewhat unlikely highly unlikely
included in registration fee?
an additional $20?

Question Title

* 7. We plan to host an evening dinner cruise on Thursday, October 6th. The cruise offers views of the Boston skyline and passes more than a dozen famous sights in Boston Harbor. A buffet dinner is included. How likely would you be to attend this cruise if the cost were:

  highly likely somewhat likely somewhat unlikely highly unlikely
Approx. $60 per person?
Approx. $100 per person?

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* 8. How likely would you be to make a presentation during the Friday/Saturday, October 7/8 paper sessions?

  highly likely somewhat likely somewhat unlikely highly unlikely
Poster Paper
Oral Paper

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* 9. We will be hold an evening banquet on Saturday, October 8th. The banquet will feature an invited talk by Owen Gingerich and will cost approximately $60 per person. How likely would you be to attend the banquet?

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* 10. Please include any other comments that you would like to share with us regarding your attendance at the 100th Annual Meeting of the AAVSO.