Let us know your feedback

We would like to hear how the season in Croke Park impacted on you.  We would appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback - both positive and negative - on the 2014 season here in the stadium.  Please take a few moments to fill in the survey below. 

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Using any number from 1 to 10, with 10 being completely satisfactory, what number would you use to rate access through the Garda Cordon on event days in the stadium?

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* 3. Using any number from 1 to 10, with 10 being completely satisfactory, what number would you use to rate parking/traffic around the stadium on event days?

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* 4. Using any number from 1 to 10, with 10 being completely satisfactory, what number would you use to rate the post event clean-up in the community area?

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* 5. The Croke Park Community Team was launched in February 2014 and consists of local residents who work on event days here in the stadium to assist their neighbours.  Are you aware of the Croke Park Community Team?

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* 6. Are you aware of the Croke Park Community Freephone number 1800 303 593 that is available to all local residents to contact the stadium during out of office hours?

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* 7. Are illegally parked cars a problem on your road during the season?

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* 8. Have illegally parked cars been clamped on your street during the season?

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* 9. Are you a member of a local residents association or community group?

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* 10. We'd appreciate any further feedback on any of the above or on any issue that impacts you on event days here in the stadium: