1. INTERIOR DESIGNERS - Thursday, February 25th

Thank you for taking the time to answer these brief questions. As always, we appreciate your input as a valuable Plaza Research respondent. We have a new study on INTERIOR DESIGNERS that you maybe in interested in.

Please take note that you are ineligible to participate if you have taken part in any research study in the last 6 months.

We are looking for interior designers between the ages 25-64. This study is a brief in-store visit followed by a 90-minute focus group discussion in downtown San Francisco. We will provide transportation to and from the store from our facility. This will take place on Thursday, February 25th in the afternoon. The honorarium is $165.00.

IF you qualify based on the answers provided THEN you will receive a call back. However due to the popularity of our surveys and groups, we can't contact everyone.

Please note that all responses will be returned on a first come, first served basis until the studies are full.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Employment Information

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. Which of the following groups best fits your age?

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* 5. What is your EXACT age?

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* 6. What is your current employment status?

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* 7. Are you currently employed as an interior designer?

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* 8. Are you an independent or the owner of the company you work for?

Question Title

* 9. What percentage of your business is focused on residential homes?

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* 10. For how long have you been working in your current position?

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* 11. Which of the following tasks do you regularly do?

  Yes No N/A
Choose window treatments including styles, hardware, shades and fabrics
Specify lighting type and brand
Choose and specify paint including the type, finish, color and brand

Question Title

* 12. How often do you shop at the following stores?

  13+x/year 7-12x/year 3-6x/year Less often/Never
Home Depot
Ace Hardware
True Value
Independent paint store

Question Title

* 13. Please tell me if there are any brands on this list that you would NEVER consider buying or specifying for a project:

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* 14. Which of the following best describes your total annual compensation?

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* 15. In order to represent all groups equally, which of the following best describes your ethnic background?

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* 16. What level of education have you, yourself, completed?


Thank you for participating in our survey. IF you qualify based on the answers provided THEN you will receive a call back. However due to the popularity of our surveys and groups, we can't contact everyone. Please note that all responses will be returned on a first come, first served basis until the studies are full.


Question Title

* 17. ******FOR COMPANY USE ONLY******
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