NISC Teams

Please complete the following brief survey to show your interest in working on a national senior center team focused in the area of your senior center passion and expertise.

Teams meet monthly by conference call or as needed for current projects.

You will also be invited to attend our national senior center conference.

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* 1. I am interested in working on a NISC team. My contact information is:

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* 2. Are you active in your state senior center association?

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* 3. What areas are you (or to the best of your knowledge, the person you nominated) an expert at or passionate about?

Please select the top three areas of expertise or interests.

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* 4. Tell Us More about Yourself!

Tell us about the areas that you are an expert or have a passionate interest, tell us your previous experience in this area, did you have a work or volunteer position, how many years of experience, and give an example of your experience. Begin with your most passionate expertise or interest.

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* 5. What NISC Work Group holds the most interest for you (or the nominee)?

Check all that apply.

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* 6. We know you are very busy. Tell us how we can work together the best. Are you available for monthly conference calls? Do you prefer to be involved by occasional emails?

Thank you for completing this survey.