2% of survey complete.
National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide
Data Collection Survey from Survivors of Suicide Loss

What are you being invited to do?

You are being invited to complete a survey about an individual between the ages of 8 and 24 years who died by suicide or made a life-threatening suicide attempt requiring at least one overnight stay at a general, not psychiatric, hospital. This survey may be filled out on behalf of someone close to you whom you lost to suicide or about yourself, if you have made a life-threatening suicide attempt. The entire survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. All of your responses to these questions are completely anonymous. There is no method of tracking individual responses back to their respondents. For those of you familiar with SurveyMonkey, we have turned off our ability to track answers by e-mail or IP address.

Why should you complete this survey?

The National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide (NCPYS), in partnership with the American Association of Suicidology (AAS), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE), the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS), the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the Jed Foundation, The Trevor Project, and Aevidum are sponsoring an expert panel meeting in mid-August focused on identifying warning signs for youth suicide. In addition to identifying key warning signs, the panel is being charged with seeking methods to share this knowledge as broadly as possible. As a survivor of suicide loss or a survivor of a life-threatening suicide attempt, we believe that you, too, are a valuable expert in this area, and we are requesting your input and insight into our discussions.

On the next page, you will be asked for your consent for us to compile the data, not only for the expert panel meeting, but also for research publication. We feel that it is of significant value for clinicians treating individuals who may be suicidal to hear your input on possible warning signs. Thus, we are requesting your consent to include your responses for this purpose, as well. You may choose not to provide consent for research purposes, and your anonymous responses will still be shared with the expert panel, thus your input will still count.


You should know that by completing this survey you are consenting to have your confidential (anonymous) information shared with the individuals who developed this survey at Thomas Jefferson University, as well as those involved with the expert panel meeting. If you have any specific questions related to this survey, you may contact Dr. Matthew Wintersteen (matthew.wintersteen@jefferson.edu).

What if you need to talk with someone?

We recognize that completing this survey may bring back painful memories of the loss of your loved one or the struggles you have personally faced. If you believe that you may become overwhelmed with completing the survey, we ask you to consider not completing it. However, should you feel comfortable, begin completing the survey, and then become upset, we urge you to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for support at 1-800-273-8255. Their logo, website, and phone number are on every page of the survey. LGBT youth in crisis may also call The Trevor Lifeline at 1-866-488-7386 for support. We also encourage you to locate a Survivors of Suicide (SOS) support group in your area. A list of meetings can be found at suicidology.org/suicide-support-group-directory.