We welcome diverse views about what the LDS Publishing Professionals Association is and could become-- its mission, vision, guiding values, potential benefits to members, and potential impact in the world. Please share your views by answering one or more of the questions below.

By doing so, you give LDSPPA permission (without compensation to you) to post your views on the LDSPPA website and to share your views through other LDSPPA media, including (but not limited to) blogs, social media, email, and materials distributed at LDSPPA events and to LDSPPA members. However, LDSPPA reserves the right to decide whether or not to post your views on the LDSPPA website and/or to share your views through other LDSPPA media.

Question Title

* 1. If you have comments on the essay, "Why Do We Need an LDS Publishing Association?," by Christopher Robbins (one of the founders of LDSPPA), please share them here.

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* 2. If you have other views about what the LDS Publishing Professionals Association is and could become -- its mission, vision, guiding values, potential benefits to members, and potential impact in the world -- please share them here.

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* 3. If you have other comments, questions, or advice regarding the LDS Publishing Professionals Association, please share your comments, questions, or advice here.

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* 4. What is your name, email address, and phone number?

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* 5. If your comments are posted on the LDSPPA website, how would you like to be identified (such as "editor at XYZ publishing company" or "author of XYZ publication" or "blogger at XYZ site")?