4% of survey complete.
Dear participant

On behalf of the project team for Evaluation of Rehabilitation Outcome after Severe injury (EROS): Development of an ICF-based standard (ICF Core Set) for people with multiple trauma (polytrauma), we would like to thank you for agreeing to take part in this worldwide questionnaire. It has been endorsed by the ICF Research Branch in Switzerland.

Part I is the participant information sheet as required by the research ethics committee. Please read this for more information on the study and then complete the 5 consent questions.

Part 2 of the questionnaire will collect basic information on your professional background. This will enable a descriptive analysis of our participants.

Part 3 lists the 160 ICF categories identified in the Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for acute and post acute rehabilitation facilities in 2005 and validated in 2011. We would like you to select problems that are relevant to trauma patients in acute and post acute settings and list outstanding issues.

You will find an example of categories identified in the Delphi study by experts working with musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiopulmonary conditions using the Acute ICF Core Set. This example is by no means complete; it will merely give you an idea of some of the problems previously identified in expert surveys.

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes. You only need to complete it once.
More information on ICF Core Set development can be found at http://www.icf-research-branch.org/

Answers from all participants will be linked to the ICF of the WHO. Together with the results from the other
preparatory studies, the results from this expert survey are going to help decide on the ICF Core Sets for
people with multiple trauma. Your participation in this survey will provide input to the consensus process. Your answers will be kept confidential, and if you agree, your name will be placed in the list of participants in the publication summarizing the results.

We thank you in advance for your participation in this very important piece of rehabilitation research.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Karen Hoffman
Prof. Karim Brohi
Dr. Diane Playford
Prof. Eva Grill
Dr. Martin Muller