Commercial Building Energy Code Initial Assessment Phase Survey

The Division of Energy has produced this survey to assess the current status of commercial building energy codes in Missouri. As Missouri’s State Energy Office and recipient of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, we need to assess and report to the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) the status of compliance with certain building energy codes. To accomplish, this we need the assistance of local jurisdictional authorities and the commercial building community.

Your completion of this survey will be instrumental in the initial phase of the commercial building energy code assessment project by providing a baseline of the current code adoption and enforcement practices by local code officials.

The data you provide in this survey will be compiled and analyzed to help identify training and education needs to prepare for the final assessment and report to U.S. DOE in 2017. If you should have any questions or concerns about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact James Rericha at 573-522-3371 or Nicholas Newport at 573-526-5017. The Division of Energy is appreciative of your efforts and time taken to complete this survey.

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* 1. City/County/Agency Name

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* 2. Jurisdiction Served

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* 3. Contact Information

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* 4. What is the approximate population of the jurisdiction served by your agency?

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* 5. During the previous calendar year, how many commercial building permits were issued by your agency?

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* 6. Who reviews building plans for commercial building energy code compliance? Check any that apply:

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* 7. Who conducts field inspections for commercial building energy code compliance? Check any that apply:

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* 8. What level of education and training does your agency staff receive specifically for commercial building energy codes? Choose one of the following answers: