1. Introduction

Dear Participant,

Thank you for participating in this study. I am a graduate student conducting this survey as part of my thesis research in the Anthropology Department at Hunter College, City University of New York.

Participants of this study must be female, age 18 and over, and involved in NY's Extreme Metal Music Scene. Your involvement is voluntary and you can choose to end your participation at any point during the survey.

Any identifying information you provide will be kept confidential. However, the study is not being run from a secure server and therefore a small possibility of responses may be viewable by unauthorized third parties, such as computer hackers. Every effort will be made to keep your responses confidential and secure.

The results of this research may be published, but your name or any identifying information will not be used.

The purpose of this study is to survey female participants (fans, musicians, and music industry workers) in the New York Tri-State area and address/answer the following overarching questions:

(1) What elements surface as common identity markers for women in New York’s Extreme metal scene?
(2) How does this compare to women in other regions (with regard to ethnicity, age, education, etc.)
(3) In what ways do the behaviors and conventions of women in the NY extreme metal scene intersect with feminist/post-modern theory, 3rd Wave feminism, and feminist musicology?

The results from this project may provide information on the unique experiences of women in the NY-Tri State area in relation to the Extreme Metal music scene.

If you have any questions about this study, you can contact Joan Singh at Joan.Jocson-singh21@myhunter.cuny.edu or Hunter College's Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)office at 212-650-3053 or hrpp@hunter.cuny.edu, if you have questions regarding your rights as a subject for this study.

Statement of Consent:

“I have read the above description of this research and I understand it. I have been informed of the risks and benefits involved, and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. Furthermore, I have been assured that any future questions that I may have will also be answered by the principal investigator of the research study. I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.
