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* 1. We'd like to get your feedback on the 2012-13 sessions; please rate the sessions:

  Great Good OK Poor N/A
Kick off session: update/sharing session of new projects
Old media vs social media: Eric Collard, Intersol
Engaging your members: Meagan Rockett, Greenfield Services
New Years resos - achieving it all: Dyna Vink, Cdn Research Knowledge Networks
Membership Matters and it’s a Brave New World: Angie D’Aoust, Canadian Dental Hygienists Assn
Websites: Lessons learned, Krystle Krystle van Hoof, CASLPA
How Associations Handle the IT Challenge: Angie D’Aoust, Canadian Dental Hygienists Association

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* 2. Do you have suggestions for topics for the upcoming sessions? Please share here:

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* 3. Do you know of champions who could speak to these topics? If so, please identify.

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* 4. One suggestion for a session is an update on the Canadian Anti Spam Legislation (CASL). Does this interest you?

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* 5. Another suggested session is... using visuals in your social media and the issues related to royalties/copyright/etc. Is this of interest to you?

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* 6. Can you host a meeting? We need a central location, room for up to 20, Internet access.

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* 7. If you can host a meeting or have ideas for champions, we'd like to be able to follow up with you - please indicate your contact information here: