Attention Mansfield residents!!!

Throughout every community are invisible layers of connections, networks and activity that combine to make a community feel strong and able to drive their own future. These are the ingredients that support those in need, help newcomers settle in and make people feel like they ‘belong’. We want to know more about the ingredients that contribute to making a community feel compatible with their lifestyle and we need your input!

In 2013, Council will be developing two plans to guide the future of Mansfield township – a Structure Plan that will oversee the physical development of the town and a Community Plan that will build community connectedness, social cohesion and resilience and will be completed by May, 2013.

To develop the Mansfield Community Plan, Council is consulting with the residents to understand how they interact and communicate and what the benefits and barriers to being involved in community life are.

Once Mansfield’s social foundations have been established, a community group will be formed to review the information a create a plan that will build on the strengths and fill the gaps.

The group select ideas and projects for an action plan that the community will own and will be involved in making happen, and will assist Mansfield to become more inclusive, more connected and an even healthier, happier place to live.

Council will also use the information in the Mansfield Community Plan in their future planning and budgeting activities.

The survey closes on Friday 15 March.

Any enquiries can be directed to the community development team on 5775 8555