
Question Title


How often do your teachers have you...

  Almost Never About Once a Month About Once a Week More then once a Week
1. Write reports or other documents using a word document?
2. Use a spreadsheet to enter numbers?
3. Create graphs using a spreadsheet?
4. Enter information into or create a database for class activity?
5. Search for and sort information or create a report using a database?
6. Create pictures using drawing or painting software?
7. Create a video using a video camera?
8. Using a digital camera and/or scanner transfer pictures to a computer?
9. Create a presentation using powerpoint?
10. Create a multimedia product using multimedia software?
11. Email messages with teachers or others at your school?
12. Exchange email messages with classes in other places globally?
13. Create a web page for publication on the World Wide Web?
14. Gather information from CD-ROMs?
15. Gather information using references online?
16. Using a search engine collect information online?
17. Evaluate information found on the World
Wide Web (for accuracy, relevance,comprehensiveness, bias, etc.)?
18. Solve mathematical problems using a graphing or online calculator?
19. Conduct an experiment using probes (e.g.,temperature sensor, motion detector)?
20. Use technology to present information learned?

Question Title


How often do you do the following at school:

  Never Sometimes Often Alot
Use technology to learn basic math, reading or spelling (NETS-S I)
Use pictures and graphs in my computer work to better express my ideas (NETS-S III)
Work in teams when using technology (NETS-S II)
Select on your own which technology, software and online services to pick to help solve problems (NETS-S V)
Use technology to find the information needed (searching the internet, library catalog, etc.) (NETS-S V)
Use computer to search on a CD-ROM for information (NETS-S V)
Send and receive messages on a computer chat room or bulletin board (NETS-S IV)
Use a spreadsheet program (NETS-S III)
Use a word-processing program (NETS-S III)
Use a presentation program (PowerPoint) (NETS-S III)
Search the Web to find information needed for class (NETS-S V)
Develop multimedia presentations on a computer (NETS-S III)

Question Title

* 4. Student Opinion

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Computers make schoolwork easier to do.
I prefer to use computers to do work instead of paper-pencil.
Computers help improve the appearance and quality of my work.
I know a lot about using computers to complete my school work.
Computers make the learning more fun and interesting.
I get to use technology in school as much as I want to complete my homework.
My teachers use technology as much as they can.
I need technology in order to learn. (teacher presentations)