Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to help give feedback about 'the new wifestyle!' I am looking to expand and evolve the website and would love your input into creating a space that fits what you are looking for in an online community!

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* 1. When you think of 'the new wifestyle,' what comes to mind? (No wrong answer here folks!)

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* 2. Which posts do you enjoying reading on 'the new wifestyle?' (select as many as you wish but this will help me discover what people overall enjoy more!)

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* 3. Which topics would you like to see (or see more of) on the blog?

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* 4. What struggles or issues do you face with marriage? (This will help me write better articles around the topic because chances are we all experience them)

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* 5. How do you get to 'the new wifestyle' website?

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* 6. What keeps you coming back to 'the new wifestyle?'

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* 7. Which social media platforms do you use to keep up with bloggers or friends?

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* 8. What day(s) of the week are you most likely to read 'the new wifestyle?'

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* 9. How interested are you in a weekly or monthly newsletter around the topic of relationships?

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* 10. Any other feedback around what you like, want more of, can't stand or anything else about 'the new wifestyle?' I would truly love your thoughts!