Please use this form to enter any issues, suggestions, or enhancement ideas for the online performance management system. Responses will be checked daily. If you wish to receive follow-up, be sure to include your contact information. For troubleshooting and user support, please call HR at 9-7900 or send an email to

Question Title

1. Please tell us the nature of your submission.

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2. For what form or program is this issue/suggestion/idea?

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3. Tell us more. Please enter the specific tab or area within that form or program of your issue/suggestion/idea (for example, the goals tab of the supervisor evaluation).

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4. Describe the issue, edit, suggestion, or enhancement idea here. Please be as detailed as possible.

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5. Are you a supervisor or manager responsible for writing an evaluation for at least one other staff member in the performance management system?

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6. If you choose, enter your contact information here. Please be sure to include your information if you would like to receive follow-up on your submission.