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* 1. Endocrine disruptors cause which one of the following?

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* 2. Choose all answers that seem correct. Halogenated flame retardants in furniture foam and upholstery are problematic because...

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* 3. True or false?

  True False
Building occupants can be exposed to mercury in fluorescent lamps only if a lamp breaks.
Manufacturers must disclose all hazards in adhesives and sealants on the material safety data sheet.
If you choose wood flooring, you don’t need to worry about VOCs.
One of the biggest health concerns with carpet is exposure to mold and dust mites.
Building wiring typically contains hazardous ingredients, including lead, which can enter occupied space via dust.
Boric acid, a flame retardant used in cellulose insulation, is just as dangerous as the halogenated flame retardants used in polystyrene.

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* 4. Choose all answers that seem correct. Which of the following are ways that persistent, bioaccumulative toxic chemicals (PBTs) can move around in the environment?

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* 5. Which statement best sums up the “precautionary approach”?

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* 6. A toxin is:

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* 7. “Exempt” VOCs are compounds that…

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* 8. How much VOC content will you find in a zero-VOC paint?

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* 9. What is California Section 01350?

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* 10. Which of the following products would NOT be restricted by the Living Building Challenge Red List?