Faculty and Staff Daily Commuting Survey

Dear Faculty and Staff,

The Whitman College Greenhouse Gas Audit Team is a group of students who are engaged in the process of estimating the greenhouse gas emissions generated at Whitman in 2011. The Audit will serve as baseline data for the College’s carbon emissions.

Daily commutes are one component of greenhouse gas generation and the following survey will be used to estimate the number of miles Whitman faculty and staff travel to and from campus using various forms of transportation. Your participation will help the Greenhouse Gas Audit Team gain a more accurate understanding of faculty and staff commuter habits and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. By taking this survey you consent to the use of the data for the purpose of estimating Whitman’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The survey is estimated to take 2-3 minutes to complete and your participation is voluntary. You may discontinue taking this survey at any time without repercussions.

Thank you very much for considering our request. If you have questions about this survey, or the Greenhouse Gas Audit, please contact Deirdre Clarke at clarkedd@whitman.edu, or Katie Radosevic, the Campus Sustainability Coordinator, at radosekr@whitman.edu. The results of this survey will be made available on the Whitman Sustainability Wiki by the end of the semester (note: names of participants will not be referenced).