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* 1. In the past year, have you attended one or more performances at the Menlo-Atherton Performing Arts Center (PAC)?

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* 2. Please rate your personal experience of the event(s) you attended at the PAC.

  strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree
1. I had an enjoyable experience at the PAC.
2. The event(s) at the PAC were worth the price of admission.
3. I feel connected to the community as a result of attending the PAC.
4. The PAC gave me an opportunity to socially engage with the community.
5. I was entertained by the event(s) at the PAC.
6. I would attend events at the PAC in the future.
7. As a result of attending the PAC, I have a greater appreciation for living in Menlo Park.

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* 3. How did you hear about the event(s) at the PAC?

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* 4. In the past year, at which other venues have you attended performances?

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* 5. Which event(s) did you attend?