MACUCC Annual Meeting Delegate Response Form 2015

Thanks for taking the time to provide us with your feedback about the 216th Annual Meeting! Your input is important and will help us plan for future years.

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* 1. Please tell us whether you are a

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* 2. Is this the first MACUCC Annual Meeting you have attended?

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* 3. Please tell us what parts of the meeting you attended.

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* 4. The mission of the Massachusetts Conference, UCC is to nurture local church vitality and the covenant among our churches, to make God's love and justice real. Like everything else we do together as a Conference, Annual Meeting is an occasion to further the mission.

To this end, your Planning Committee identifies goals for the meeting. This question is designed to help us assess the extent to which we met these goals.

For each element of the meeting listed below in which you participated, please check any columns that apply to your experience of that part of the meeting. If you did not participate in a particular element, just skip that line. If the options listed do not capture your responses, please feel free to use the "Comments" box.

  I felt spiritually fed I got an idea for something new to try in my local church I was challenged to think in new ways I got a bigger picture of the United Church of Christ I learned about an issue with which I hope to engage others in my church I felt inspired I had a different response - see my comment below
"Treasure in Clay Jars" - Testimonials (Friday afternoon)
Hearings (Friday evening)
Friday evening worship (Nadia Bolz-Weber preaching)
Plenary sessions and the business of the meeting
Recognition Luncheon
Keynote address by Nadia Bolz Weber
Conversation and networking
Closing Worship Saturday afternoon (Jim Antal preaching)

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* 5. If you attended a hearing or forum on Friday evening, please tell us which one.

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* 6. How did you experience the overall pace and timing of the meeting?

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* 7. To help us assess our new venue, UMass Amherst, please let us know your level of satisfaction with each of the components below.

  Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied Not applicable
Meals in Blue Wall Cafe
Recognition Lunch Buffet
Accommodations - Residence Hall Suites
Accommodations - Hotel UMass
Suitability of Meeting Areas
Accessibility of Facilities

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* 8. Our next Annual Meeting will be held June 17-18, 2016, at the Conference Center at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. (We have shifted the timing of the meeting by one week, by popular request, to avoid Boston Pride Day.) Our keynote speaker will be the Rev. Otis Moss III.

Do you hope to return to our next Annual Meeting?

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* 9. What learning, tools or insight from this meeting will you bring back to your local congregation?

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* 10. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your experience at Annual Meeting?

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* 11. Name, church name and town (optional)

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* 12. The website will be updated shortly after Annual Meeting with highlights and pictures so that you can forward information to your church's members. What else could we provide you to help bring Annual Meeting and the life and mission of the Conference back to your local church?

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback!