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Question Title

* 1. Please rate your teacher on the criteria below. The bubble to the far left means the teacher seldom if ever showed this trait. The bubble to the far right means he or she almost always met this criteria.

The teacher provided texts to read that were interesting.
The teacher provided texts to read that were challenging, yet understandable.
The objectives of assignments were made clear.
The teacher was fair and unbiased.
The teacher allowed us to express our own opinions.
The teacher seemed prepared for each day’s lesson.
The teacher was available when I needed extra help.
The teacher provided a classroom environment that was conducive to learning.
The teacher knew his or her content area.
Overall, the teacher is competent.

Question Title

* 2. Rate your performance in class. The bubble on the far left means you did very poorly, the bubble on the far right means that you did very well in the area asked about.

Attention in class
Completing tasks
Maintained a positive and open attitude.
Tried your hardest.

Question Title

* 3. Rate your overall experience resulting from the class. The bubble to the far left means your skills or interest has greatly declined. The bubble to the far right means your skills have greatly improved.

Critical Reading skills
Interest in reading
Critical Writing skills
Interest in writing
Critical Thinking skills
Interest in critical thinking

Question Title

* 4. Rate the following parts of class. The bubble to the far left means this part of class was not effective in helping you learn; the bubble to the far right means you learned a great deal from this part of class.

Formalist (poetry) essay
Critical theory (drama) essay

Question Title

* 5. What was your favorite part of the class? What was your least favorite part of the class? Please explain your response.

Question Title

* 6. What would you like to see changed about the class? What would you like to see stay the same?

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following texts did you read in its entirety? The bubble on the far left means you did NOT read the text, the middle bubble means you read part of the text, and the bubble on the far right means you read all of the text.

Pride and Prejudice
As I Lay Dying
Brave New World
Slaughterhouse 5
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Question of Bruno (assigned stories)
Invisible Man

Question Title

* 8. Which of the texts below do you want to make sure next year's students study?

Question Title

* 9. Which of the texts below do you NOT want students to study next year?

Question Title

* 10. Please add any additional comments on this page. Let me know what I did well and what I need to do better. Let me know what I can do to encourage the future students of this class to do better. What can I do to improve the content of this class? What can I do to improve the way it is run?