Declaration of Informed Consent and Permission to Use Information

All survey participants will be given a $25 gas card in exchange for time spent completing the survey. In addition, you will be entered to win a $500 cash prize draw. In order to ensure you receive your gift card, please provide your full name, mailing address and phone number at the end of the survey. Your personal information will be disconnected from your survey responses in order to ensure confidentiality.

By clicking 'Next' below, I am confirming that I am a Stellat'en First Nation band member and I give permission to use my answers from the attached survey for the Stellat’en First Nation Socioeconomic Survey for the Proposed Blackwater Mine and PNG Looping Pipeline and other projects.

I understand that this survey is being conducted by the Stellat’en First Nation (StFN) and is meant to collect information from Stellat’en community members about Stellat’en harvesting activities, food and income security, employment, education and training in order to determine the potential socioeconomic impacts and benefits of the proposed Blackwater Mine and PNG Looping Pipeline and other projects.

By clicking below, I indicate my understanding that:

- This survey is confidential and my responses will not be associated with my name.
- I consent to have my words and responses recorded on the paper survey, in notes, and using audio recording equipment.
- I can choose not to answer any questions and I am free to end the survey at any time I wish.
- Stellat’en First Nation will own and maintain all information an recordings collected through my participation and may use the information and recordings, including audio, video, or pictures, in pursuit of its claims, and for defending and communicating the rights, interests, and titles of its members. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing information for the purposes of negotiation or participation in regulatory or court proceedings.
- The Stellat’en First Nation will ask permission from me or my descendants before using my information for purposes not indicated above.

For more information, please contact Juanita Heron or David Luggi at the Stellat’en First Nation Band Office: 250-699-8747