New Faces ... New Voices

Recruiting Members for the Baltimore City HIV/AIDS Commission; the Baltimore City HIV Planning Group

The Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) is accepting applications for appointments to its HIV/AIDS Commission. The Commission is being reconstituted and repurposed and will serve as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mandated HIV Planning Group (HPG). The HPG fulfills BCHD’s obligations as a new, CDC directly funded jurisdiction under the Comprehensive HIV Prevention Programs for Health Departments funding opportunity.

The mission of the Baltimore City HIV/AIDS Commission is to coordinate and enhance HIV prevention and care services. In addition, it will serve as the official HIV planning body for the City. This reconstituted body is envisioned as being the most effective and efficient way to reduce the incidence of new HIV infections in Baltimore and achieve the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. This body will strive for parity, inclusion, and representation among its members.

Members of the Commission will:

1. Identify additional key infected/affected community members, stakeholders, and critical service providers reflective of the HIV epidemic in Baltimore to serve on or contribute to the Commission
2. Work with BCHD to identify priority populations to receive HIV prevention services, based on a thorough review of epidemiologic, evaluation, behavioral, and other data on Baltimore populations
3. Undertake a results-oriented engagement process with BCHD to ensure a coordinated and seamless approach to HIV prevention, care, and treatment
4. Participate with BCHD in the development and revision of the Jurisdictional HIV Prevention Plan that reduces new HIV infections and HIV-related disparities in Baltimore
5. Review BCHD's Cooperative Agreement application to CDC for federal HIV prevention funds, including the proposed budget, and vote on the letter of concurrence or non‐concurrence
6. Participate in the development of the Commission’s Bylaws
7. Attend meetings as specified by the Commission’s Bylaws
8. Prepare for the Commission-related meetings by reading the pre-meeting materials, including the minutes from the most recent meeting
9. Keep informed about HIV prevention issues
10. Communicate respectfully with fellow HPG members, the public, BCHD staff, and all others involved in the community planning process

In addition, the members of the Commission MUST:

• Reside in or work in Baltimore City
• Maintain the ability and commitment to fulfill the duties of a Commission member as outlined in the Commission’s Bylaws
• Maintain the ability and commitment to attend all member orientation sessions and meetings
• Maintain the ability to commit to HPG business
• Understand and agree to consider the interests of the communities they represent, as well as those of other communities affected by HIV/AIDS in Baltimore City as a whole, in their decision-making
The Commission seeks persons qualified to serve in the following categories:

1. HIV-infected persons
2. Community-based HIV-serving organizations
3. Physicians, mental health providers, prevention specialists, and others serving HIV/AIDS clients
4. Religious leaders
5. Private businesses
6. Prison/juvenile justice systems
7. Universities
8. Philanthropy

In addition, persons with qualifications relevant to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Baltimore or those with experience in any of the areas listed below are encouraged to apply:

• Sexual and racial minorities (transgender persons, young African American and Latino MSMs, House/Ball Community members, and other members of the LGBT community)
• Persons living with HIV/AIDS, including older adults, youth, and women
• HIV-infected persons with unstable housing
• Persons formerly incarcerated
• Persons in recovery for substance abuse

If you are interested, please fill out the following application.

The deadline for applications is by close of business on July 31, 2013.

The Commission is a unique opportunity to help shape Baltimore City’s response to the HIV epidemic.