Berkshire Grown is beginning an exciting new initiative: Local Feed for Local Livestock!  Based upon initial survey responses, local grain growers have determined that there is enough interest from local livestock producers to transition some of their acreage into growing grain for local livestock. In order to proceed, the growers need more details.  Please complete the survey below; even if you have completed the initial survey that was distributed, your answers here will provide more details that will help us in moving forward.  Many thanks!

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* 1. What type of livestock do you purchase grain for?  Select all that apply:

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* 2. Do you currently have a source of feed that you are satisfied with?  If so, from whom do you purchase?

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* 3. Are you interested in purchasing locally-grown feed for your livestock?

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* 4. Please indicate how important each of the following are to you in purchasing feed:

  I don't want this Not important Somewhat important Very important Absolutely necessary
Certified Organic
Organic Practices, Non-Certified

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* 5. Please indicate how many tons of LAYER FEED you purchase during EACH month and the % protein of the feed you use:

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* 6. Please indicate how many tons of CHICKEN (MEAT BIRD) FEED you purchase during EACH month and the % protein of the feed you use:

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* 7. Please indicate how many tons of HOG FEED you purchase during EACH month and the % protein of the feed you use:

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* 8. Please indicate how many tons of SHEEP & GOAT FEED you purchase during EACH month and the % protein of the feed you use:

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* 9. Please indicate how many tons of DAIRY CATTLE FEED you purchase during EACH month and the % protein of the feed you use:

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* 10. Please indicate how many tons of BEEF CATTLE FEED you purchase during EACH month and the % protein of the feed you use:

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* 11. How many tons of the following grains do you purchase annually?

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* 12. How do you currently get your feed?

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* 13. If your supplier delivers, what is the delivery fee?

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* 14. How often do you get feed?

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* 15. Please rank your preferred packaging for grain feed:

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* 16. What is your current price per unit for the following (answer all that apply; do not include delivery costs):

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* 17. Address

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* 18. Many thanks, here's room for additional comments