The TPACK Classroom Observation Protocol

The fourth level of monitoring and evaluation focuses on how teachers are applying the knowledge and skills that they are acquiring in the SIPSE workshops and online course in their professional practice. Are teachers using the new knowledge and skills acquired in the face to face workshops and online course in their classroom practice? The purpose is to understand how teachers are using ICT to support content and pedagogy in Science, Technology, English and Mathematics teaching and learning. The focus is to document the impact of the teacher development programme at classroom level and to improve training content continually based on field visit feedback from all regions.

The TPACK classroom observation protocol is a tool to assess teacher application of their technology, pedagogy and content knowledge in classroom practice. The observation tool has three parts.

Part 1: The first part consists of background information on the observer, the school, teacher, students, lesson objectives, classroom arrangements and technology resources.

Part 2: The second part consists of an observation checklist to assess the teachers’ content, pedagogy and technology knowledge and subsequently the teachers’ capacity in the application of TPACK in different formats (technology and pedagogy knowledge; content and pedagogy knowledge, technology and content knowledge; technology, pedagogy and content knowledge).

Part 3: The third part consist of general reflection comments form a post-lesson meeting with the teacher.

Part 4: The fourth part consist of general reflection comments form a post-lesson meeting with the teacher.

The following section presents the part 1 questions about the profile of the school, teacher, students, lesson, classroom and technology.

Question Title

* 1. Name of Observer

Question Title

* 2. Date of the Lesson Observation


Question Title

* 3. Time of the Lesson Observation

Question Title

* 4. Name of School

Question Title

* 6. Name of Teacher

Question Title

* 7. Which class or form are you visiting?

Question Title

* 8. How many students are in this class?

Question Title

* 9. How many boys and girls are in the class?

Question Title

* 10. What is the subject being taught?

Question Title

* 11. What were the teacher's objectives in the lesson?

Question Title

* 12. What were the teacher's classroom arrangements throughout the lesson?

Question Title

* 13. what technology resources were present in the classroom?