In the summer of 2014, Ultimate Canada rolled out a Long-term Athlete Development (LTAD) model specific to Ultimate - Now that this valuable resource is in the hands of PTSOs and leagues, Ultimate Canada is looking to take this resource to the next level. We want to help leagues by creating resources (curriculums, assessment grids, skill recognition tools, etc.) that are coherent with the LTAD principles. In order to do so, we first want to survey leagues and PTSOs to see what resources are being used locally, which of those resources are consistent with the LTAD, and what gaps need to be filled.

UC is asking for your help with this significant project. Please ask your league’s junior/youth coordinator, coach, convenor, etc., to fill out this survey. Any additional documents and information can be sent directly to Christiane Marceau, at

Please complete this survey by January 12th, 2015.

We thank you for your time and commitment to the growth of Youth Ultimate in Canada.

Question Title

* 1. Name of your organization:

Question Title

* 2. City, Province:

Question Title

* 3. Contact information:

Question Title

* 4. Did your organization run a Youth or Junior program/league in 2014?