Question Title

* 1. Which stakeholder group are you affiliated to?

Question Title

* 2. How many APrIGFs have you attended before?

Question Title

* 3. Please evaluate the following area of the conference. (Choose N/A if you did not use the respective facilities or services)

  Poor Average Excellent N/A
Overall Conference
Quality of Sessions
Overall Logistics Arrangement
Venue Facilities
Internet Connectivity
Remote Participation Experience

Question Title

* 4. Overall comments of the program agenda. (If any)

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the below sessions. (Choose N/A if you did not attend the session)

  Poor Average Excellent N/A
1. Building An Internet for Trust on a Trustless Internet: An Evolving Governance Model for Emerging Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies
4. The Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability
6. “Issues and Challenges of managing country code top level domain name in South Asia.”
9. Smart Cities in Asia and the Deployment of Big Data: Privacy and Security Challenges
14. Developing IG Principles with Geographic Diverse Perspective
23. Internet openness and transparency reporting
24. Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP) – Day 1 – (General) Overview of Internet Governance
25. APILP (Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program) – Day 2 – (Technical) Domain Name System; Critical Internet Resources
26. APILP (Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program) – Day 3 – (Emerging Issues) IANA Stewardship Transition
27. Internationalised Domain Names: A multi-stakeholder, cross-community case study
28. Access to ICTs to further Development – assessing the importance of ICTs in the post-2015 Development Agenda
31. Digibak Multistakeholder Bootcamp: Play. Collaborate. Change the World.
32. In your own words: How to help your local community understand and participate in Internet Governance
34. Core Internet Values
45. Universal Acceptance: Been there, done that. Looking back to look forward
46. Information Security and Privacy in the IoT Era
52. Can mobile Internet bridge the gender digital divide? Challenges and opportunities for stakeholders
59. Broadband Infrastructure and Services for The Next Billion Users
61. Human Rights and Governance in ASEAN Cyberspace
66. Net Neutrality in the Asia-Pacific
73. From Periphery to Core: Towards an Asia-Pacific Agenda for the WSIS+10 Review
75. Democracy 3.0: Constituency, Representation & the Multistakeholder Model
Merger 1: Online Safety Awareness and Development of Sustainable Civilized Internet for Next Generation
Merger 2: Localising Internet Governance: Making Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Work at the National Levels
Merger 3: Online Threats and Freedom of Expression and Religious Freedom
Merger 4: Surveillance trends, challenges, and opportunities in Asia Pacific
Merger 5: The C to L of Digital Rights: Consent, Litigation, Citizenship
Spontaneous Session: Disaster and use of ICT: How to support Nepal Wireless Networking Project by Asia Pacific Internet people?
Opening Plenary 
Closing Plenary
Outcomes Document Discussion Session
Macao IGF (ICT Economic Development in Macao)
Macao IGF (IPv6 / DNSSEC Workshop)

Question Title

* 6. Which is your favourite session? (Please state the session title and reasons)

Question Title

* 7. Do you think the summary reports by rapporteurs in closing plenary is helpful and should be continued?

Question Title

* 8. How likely are you to attend APrIGF 2016?

Question Title

* 9. What do you want to be kept or be added to APrIGF 2016?

Question Title

* 10. Any other comments / suggestions?